Massaflowopnemer Speciality Series

Coriolis-massastroommeter voor vloeistof en gas:
De TCMH 0450 is TRICOR’s hoge druk Coriolis massastroommeter, aangeboden in drie drukwaarden: 414 bar, 690 bar en 1050 bar (6.000 psi, 10.000 psi en 15.200 psi). De materiaalkeuzes voor de U-vormige buizen zijn 316L roestvrij staal voor chemische injectietoepassingen (NACE-conform) of Sandvik® Alloy HP 160, gekozen om waterstofbrosheid te elimineren, zoals in waterstofstoftankstations. De TCMH 0450 is ’s werelds eerste MI-002 / OIML137 gecertificeerde Coriolis-flowmeter voor toepassingen met waterstoftoevoer

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“Specialty” Serie Massa Flow Meters

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TCMH 0450 Coriolis
Mass Flow Meter GAS
  • Three pressure ratings: 6,000 psi, 10,000 psi or 15,200 psi.
  • The material choices for the U-shape tubes are either 316 stainless steel for chemical injection applications or Sandvik® Alloy HP 160, chosen to eliminate hydrogen embrittlement, such as in Hydrogen fueling stations.
  • for high pressure gas applications
    Coriolis mass flow meters for gas, e.g. for Hydrogen fueling stations.
TCMH 0450 Coriolis
Mass Flow Meter Liquid

  • Three pressure ratings: 6,000 psi, 10,000 psi or 15,200 psi.
  • The material choices for the U-shape tubes are either 316 stainless steel for chemical injection applications or Sandvik® Alloy HP 160, chosen to eliminate hydrogen embrittlement, such as in Hydrogen fueling stations.
  • high pressure liquid applications
    Coriolis mass flow meters for Hydrogen fueling stations.